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(Sustantivo – femenino)
Especie de cangrejo nadador pequeño que abunda en las playas de Puerto Rico.

(Noun – feminine)

A species of small swimming crab that is abundant in the beaches of Puerto Rico.

Sinónimos (Synonyms): Cangrejo nadador ( (Swimming crab) ).

Ejemplos (Examples):

  • Ves la cocolía que está nadando al lado de esa piedra?
    Can you see the swimming crab that’s right by that rock?
  • Las gaviotas estaban cazando cocolías.
    The seagulls were hunting swimming crabs on the beach.
  • Los carros le pasan por encima a las cocolías que intentaron cruzar la carretera.
    Cars ran over the swimming crabs that tried to cross the road.