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Dominican Spanish

Dominican Spanish

The Dominican Republic, or República Dominicana, is a remarkably beautiful country.  Named Quisqueya (meaning “mother of all lands”) by the indigenous people, it shares an island with modern day Haiti to its west.

Its diverse population, controversial history, and rich culture give the Caribbean nation its own way of speaking Spanish. The distinct language of the Dominican Republic is due to its indigenous Indio, African, Spanish, and American influences.

The Spanish spoken in the Dominican Republic has its own accent, vocabulary, and colloquial expressions. Dominicans are also known for speaking fast and loudly.

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Learn authentic Spanish as it’s spoken in the Dominican Republic. This podcast gives you conversational Spanish lessons so you can talk to native Spanish speakers from Santo Domingo to Punta Cana. Join your hosts Tamara Marie and Kesia Sosa as we make it easy to understand one of the most challenging Caribbean Spanish dialects.

Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 (coming soon!)

Learn Spanish as it’s spoken in the Dominican Republic with authentic dialogues between native Spanish speakers. You’ll tune your ear to the Dominican accent and learn hundreds of words and phrases that you’ll only here from Dominican Spanish speakers. This is perfect for preparing for your next trip to Dominican Republic or meet-up with Dominican friends and family.

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