(Sustantivo – Femenino)
Una semana feriada, originante del cristianismo, que celebra los últimos días del peregrinaje de Jesucristo. Durante esta se suele comer habichuelas con dulce por tradición, después de cada comida.
(Noun- Feminine) A week of holidays, originating from christianism, which celebrates the last few days in Jesus’ pilgrimmage. During this week, as tradition, habichuelas con dulce are often eaten after every lunch.
Sinónimos (Synonyms): Pascuas (Easter)
Ejemplos (Examples):
Las habichuelas con dulce son lo que mas esperan los niños en semana santa.
During Easter week, the kids are mostly waiting to eat some habichuelas con dulce.
En semana santa uno debe tratar de estar en comunión con el señor.
During Easter week, one has to try their best to be in the lord’s good graces.