(Sustantivo – Masculino)
Pastelito cuya masa es hecha a partir de plátanos, que se rellena de carnes vegetales o queso; se prepara hirviendo, envuelto en una hoja grande de plátano.
(Noun – Masculine)
Small pate whose dough is prepared with plantains, which is generally also stuffed with meats, vegetables or cheese; it is prepared by boiling the dough and its stuffing while wraped in a big plantain leaf.
Sinónimos (Synonyms): Tamales (Plantain pate)
Ejemplos (Examples):
En la esquina comenzaron a vender pastel en hoja, ¡vamo con el coro!
They started selling plantain pates by the corner, let’s go with the crew!
En una buena fiesta no puede faltar pastel en hoja, viejo.
Plantain pate cannot be missing from a good party, bro.