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Persona que es muy fuerte en sus avances; atrevido.
Someone that is too aggressive in his or her approach; shameless; daring.
Sinónimos (Synonyms): Osado; desvergonzado; audaz ( (Insolent; cheeky; sassy; disrespectful) ).
Ejemplos (Examples):
- Vino bien fresca a pedirme dinero prestado acabándome de conocer.
She was cheeky enough to ask me if I could lend her some money without even knowing me.
- El muy fresco se presentó a la fiesta sin tan siquiera traer una botella de vino.
That shameless idiot showed up to the party and didn’t even bring a bottle of wine for us.
- Es un fresco que hace sentir a las mujeres incómodas.
He comes off as disrespectful and insolent in his approach and ends up making women very uncomfortable.